Reducing Tension in Your Body

Reducing the tension in your body… For the next five minutes of this exercise, lie on your back and relax. Sink into your body to feel and breathe with a calm and steady rhythm. You are…

A failure to my family?

Dear Therapist, I have recently been laid off from work and I am having to look for another job within my field of expertise. I am an IT network technician and so far finding a new job is…

Is it okay to not love your parents?

Dear Therapist, My parents have both done some pretty messed up things and I cant look at them the way I used too. I can’t even say ‘I love you’ to them anymore. I really hate…

Morning Affirmations Meditation

In the next five minutes of meditation, find a comfortable position and gently close your eyes. Slow down and really feel yourself breathing. Observe the uniqueness of each breath. At the same time,…